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Friday, December 23, 2011

Garlands Galore or the Halls are All decked

I really prize my antique candle holders. I also found these punched tin stars that fit over the candles in a thrift store
I especially like the little church vignette in the Christmas ornament at the left.
In early days before electricity the trees were lit with candles. Everyone would stand around the tree while the candles were briefly lit,making sure a couple of buckets of water were handy in case of fire.

antique Christmas tree,love the birds
full view of the antique tree,I probably enjoy it and appreciate it more than anyone 

Finally after recovering from an injury and dealing with a recurrent chronic back pain my home is ready for the big day tomorrow. I really enjoy making it a special day for the family..its just my contribution as my husband has his very special prime rib and other dishes that we all look forward to. I am sure not complaining..It affords me more time to do the Christmas thing.
a garland with french horns adorn the cat walk

I wish to share with you the fruits of my labor and tomorrow there will be another edition with all the lights on and all the family enjoying the day.
loft banister with angels to announce the birth of Christ and a star to guide the wise men
dining room centerpiece ,we serve the dinner buffet style in here and eat in the living room, the festive  style antique satin red and green embroidered tablecloth purchased from Goodwill for $8.00 ..it washes beautifully
old chandelier pieces used to decorate antique mirror in dining room,silver star ornament is antique and purchases for $.50
garland in living room where we enjoy the dinner
dining table is antique accordion table that fold into a side table and is expanded with 3 leaves $75.00
love this old candlestick,just needs it's crystals added,a future project
I claim this is for my grandchildren
arts and craft sconces for $20
saw this last year in Victoria magazine but didn't have the antique cardboard  church from the 30's and 40's found this this year at Agoura Antique Mart
Just to give you a perspective of my church
oh Christmas  Tree

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