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Friday, September 23, 2011

A moon for my Garden

                                  When I consider the heavens,the work of thy fingers,the moon and the stars,which thou hast ordained.Psalm 8:3
there's my moon,hovering over my back fence
the 2 half circle sconces made of translucent marbleized material that makes it moon like
glued together forming a full moon, note permanent bars allowing a place to secure it to a pole and also secure the solar light
While watching a TV tour of ahome of a famous person ,I was entranced by the fact that the home had a light in the shape of a quarter moon that would turn on at night. I thought that would be really neat in my garden.All I had to do was figure out how to create it. Well while on vacation in a thrift store I found 2 .half circle sconces that were kind of marble looking...that might do the job.I could hardly wait to get home to get to work on them. I didn't even yell at my husband for driving too fast.
Once home ,armed with my zip ties and liquid nails I glued the 2 halves of my moon together and fastened them to a pole. That being done I positioned a couple of solar lights inside my moon(they each had a crossbar in them already, convenient for securing the lights with zip ties and also securing my moon to the pole.Zip ties again came in handy to secure the moon behind a bush on my back fence.I could hardly wait for darkness to see the fruition of my scheme and there she was hovering over my back fence.I could hardly take my eyes off her!

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